Rothlaender & Co GmbH
Gotenstr. 19
20097 Hamburg, Germany
Tel. + 49 40 23 888 10
Fax + 49 40 23 888 121
Import Customer Service
Gisela Martens (extension): + 49 40 23 888 133
Yves Martin (extension): + 49 40 23 888 170
Our company is a member of the following associations:
• Wirtschaftsvereinigung Gross- und Aussenhandel, Hamburg (Business Association
of Wholesalers and Retailers of Hamburg)
• Verband der Fertigwarenimporteure, Hamburg (Association of Non-Food Importers)
• Verband Hamburger Exporteure (Association of Hamburg Exporters)
• Fachhandelsverband Federn, Fasern, und Haare, e.V., Hamburg
(Brush Manufacturers’ Association)
• Bundesverband der Deutschen Bürsten- und Pinselindustrie (Federal Association
of German Brush Manufacturers)
• Fédération Européenne de la Brosserie et Pinceauterie (European Federation of
Brush Manufacturers)